Tuesday, October 17, 2006
7 seas of rhye
Seven things that scares me:
1. Allah SWT
2. My future
3. myself
4. lingkungan gw
5. kemalesan tiada tara yang kumiliki
6. rahasia..
7. orang-orang yang tau banget gw..

Seven random songs at the moment
1. kielbase-tenaciuos-d
2. ada anka bertanya pada bapaknya - rerun by GIGI
3. theme song final fantasy XII boss scene
4. psycadelic sub rythm - bondan ( bass heroes)
5. wonderboy - tenacious-d
6. black crow - jamiroquai
7. black devil car - jamiroquai

Seven things that I like the most
1. tidur.....
2. maen pe es
3. bengong
4. duduk di teras ngeliat orang sambil minum teh anget
5. ngutak-ngatik hal baru
6. nyari tempat makan yang asik
7. hal trakhir yang gw suka jalan-jalan

Seven important things in my bedroom
1. PC
2. selimut pemberian mamah

3. kasur
4. Kipas angin( ga da ini badan gw bengkak2 digigit nyamuk)
5. meja tulis
6. lemari baju
meja kecil buat naro hape dompet, kunci dkk

Seven random facts about me
1. low..
2. patient ( katanya)
3. sloooww..
4. freak
5. jarang marah
6. pemalas tingkat akut
7. loyal

I have dicided to pass this to
1. bayu
2. GS
3. Ratih
4. Yondo
5. yanda
6. Neng EI
7. putri
posted by oddy @ 12:21   0 comments
Monday, October 16, 2006
belum-belum udah narcis yak.. heheh

gapapalah.. perkenalan aja.. hehe
posted by oddy @ 14:44   0 comments
my new blok
posted by oddy @ 14:44   0 comments
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Name: oddy
Home: bekasi, west java, Indonesia
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